Sunday, July 13, 2008

Ah-ha Moment

The Mrs. and I were able to get away for one night and spend some much needed time together. We had a very relaxing time together with no real schedule, just time talking, eating and resting. I had one of those "ah-ha" moments as we were talking last night. We both realized that because of the trials and that we have been through in our 14 yrs of marriage, that we don't really know how to have fun together...Not that excited to admit that, but the reality is that we both over-think things and talk things to death. We need to do things together that are not always serious or that need to be worked on. Now that our weekly Bible Study that we were taking is over, we are going to use that weekly time to "date". I am really looking forward to this time with the Mrs. and think it is going to help us grow closer together. I have already asked the Mrs for patience as this is not something that comes natural to me and for those of you who know me, I am not the best communicator.I am now down 15 lbs and starting to see some changes in how I look. I am really glad the hard work is paying off and I know that the next 15 lbs will be much harder, but as my Dad use to always say, "keep on, keeping on".

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