Sunday, July 13, 2008


13 is my new favorite #. For those of you who will actually read this and are wondering what in the heck I am talking about! Six weeks ago I finally decided, based on how I looked in the mirror, that I had been lazy long enough. I have been working out 6 days/week and have changed my eating habits, which includes paying close attention to my portions. Tuesdays are my "scale" day and am very habit to report that I have lost 13 lbs!. I am not proud to admit that when I started working out, I weighed 191 lbs and if my "public education" math is correct, I am now down to 178 lbs.One of the things that has been brought to light in my life recently is that I am a "recovering stuffer". This seems to have plagued me in most of my relationships in my life. I tend to "stuff" things down instead of working on them to bring resolution. As you can imagine, this doesn't bode well in a marriage or any close relationship. What I am learning is that this has led me to placing expectations (in most cases, false expectations) on Mrs. and others close to me....I hold others to a higher standard than even I am willing to live up to. The Lord has really been placing on my heart lately the need to open up to Mrs. and others and to show them love. I am not sure why I have such a hard time opening up and sharing my true feelings....but this is not the model that I want to show my girls

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