Sunday, July 13, 2008


SWMBO and I sat down and watched the Movie "Into the Wild" this week. I haven't been able to get it out of my mind, as it was not only sad but thought provoking and in my opinion, well worth renting. The main character has what the world around him views as wealth and plenty but he is disgusted by wealth and sets out on a journey to fine "true happiness". He continues to keep moving on and searching for his "end goal" which he believes will provide him with the happiness he is so badly craving. The sadness comes as you are watching him interact with the many different people he meets and becomes his new family and as you gets further away from the dysfunctional family, he was born into. What he doesn't realize until it is too late, is that this interaction with genuine and loving people is the "true happiness" he is longing for.How often do I "pass by" or miss the true happiness moments in my life, because I too focused on searching for what I believe is the real end goal? It seems so often that we don't realize that the rewards are in the journey and not the destination....

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