Sunday, July 13, 2008

The many faces...

I heard a quote a while back that stated that "relationships are messy" This unfortunately has become more than true over the last few weeks. Do I expect more out of my relationships with people that they do or have I misinterpreted their true motives? No easy answer for sure but one that has been a struggle lately. How do you show Grace, love and maturity toward people who you thought cared about you and your spouse, but have verbally abused you, to your face and behind your back? All because you have followed your heart and convictions that you believe God is revealing, in your life. What makes this so much more difficult is that this has happened by people in leadership positions in a church. No one who has ever walked this planet is perfect, however you expect to get "beat up" and abused by the world, not by the church and the people that have been in your life for 4+ years! I am struggling with how not to react in anger and revenge and at the same time standing up for my wife who is getting the brunt of this messiness. There seems to be a fine line between speaking the truth about injustice and wanting to get revenge or to respond in a selfish manner. The irony of life is that at the time that these relationships are showing their true colors or many faces, I am so blessed to have two men in my life that I consider true friends(The Writer and the Salesman). Although, they could not be more polar opposites they are beacons of light and they speak wisdom in my life. They more than anyone in my life have shown me what it is to be a friend and I am forever greatful for their time and energy that they have shown me. I am also blessed to have a strong and growing relationship with the Mrs. We have become so much closer over the last year or two. We haven't always had the best of times, so this is a true answer to prayer. I know it sounds like a cliche, but I truly wouldn't be who I am today, without her!

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