Saturday, July 19, 2008


I have been reminded (beat over the head might be a better way of putting it) by many circumstances recently where Justice has been a major common theme. It made me realize that as I look back on past circumstances, there have been many times that I did or said nothing. I was explaining to our almost teenager ( t-minus 2 days) recently what sins of omission are vs. sins of commission. Why is it that sometimes my first reaction is to remain quite or to not react at all? Do I really believe that when I don't say or do something that I should that it is a sin? When I stop to think about these times and when thoughts have crossed my mind, I believe it is closely tied to selfishness. So many times I want and choose to do things that make me happy while not considering how it will impact others. I tend let me family down by not meeting their needs. I might be there physically but I am in my own world.

One of my personal goals this year has to become a more generous person, both with my time and money. This doesn't come natural for me but is something that I really need to work on and also is tied to selfishness. Becoming a generous person with my money especially is one way that I can try to let go of some of my control issues and stop trying to be the master of my own domain.

Somehow through the grace of God I have been blessed with having a wife and kids who have a strong sense of Justice. Who said that God doesn't have a sense or humor!!

1 comment:

Toirdhealbheach Beucail said...

Sins of omission are always much more difficult to deal with. Interestingly enough, although I have almost always never regretted the things I never said, I have often regretted the things I did not do. Omission is like that - we consciously decide not to do something that we know God wants us to, thereby disobeying the will of God and going into sin.